Technical Blog

Emacs Tips and Tricks

23 Sep 2017

Emacs Tips and Tricks #

To Learn About #

  • ☒ Company-mode (completion framework for lots of stuff)
  • ☒ YASnippets (templates)
  • ☒ Auto-YASnippets (something like that—I installed it for temporary templates)
  • ☒ Alchemist mode (integrates with company mode—tooling for Elixir)
  • ☐ What do M-. and M-, do?
  • font-lock-add-keywords would let me add new keywords to a language
  • ☐ hi-lock
  • ☐ highlight-phrase, unhighlight-regex
  • Registers
  • ☐ Auto-loading packages to make startup time shorter

Things that make me happy #

  • Undo in region (just highlight something and hit undo)
  • Generate Backus-Nauer Forms with a slightly modified syntax with ebnf-eps-buffer

Helm #

You can filter buffers by pattern with Helm. Type: @pattern to find buffers matching pattern. If you want to have spaces in the pattern, you must escape them with a backslash.

