23 Jun 2018
Deutsche Übersetzung folgt.
I’ve left* Facebook.
There’s an asterisk there. I’m not going to delete my account, but I’m no longer checking Facebook more than once or twice a month, if that. I’m not trying to be a recluse—below are a few ways to contact me that I do check far more often than Facebook. I want to be your friend, but I’d rather that friendship be through a real connection rather than some online “status”.
18 Nov 2017
I once asked my dad over email how to improve my the potency of my words and thoughts. His reply came back as one word:
Good writing does not emerge spontaneously; it comes as one practices writing. A “draft” is a pass of writing a particular work. It’s like sketching in art: when an artist starts a painting, they usually start with a rough sketch outlining where the figures will be, what the landscape will be like, etc. These sketches are composed of many lines: each coming closer to their final position.
9 Nov 2017
My girlfriend works for BYU SA—it’s the division of BYU that’s responsible for planning and running events. As part of her job, she has to review song lyrics and make sure that the song is okay to play at BYU functions.
This can get rather irksome. Imagine reading text looking for vulgar words or phrases. Yuck. I took some time this evening to write a little website that checks MetroLyrics for any vulgar words or phrases. I have an extensible blacklist which gets initialized at server start by some phrases from FrontGate.
26 Oct 2017
Quick note for those who don’t know about Docker: Docker is a program that lets me take packaged-up programs (called images or containers) and run them without having to worry much about dependencies.
Today I decided to upgrade my version of Ghost Blog. I’m using the Docker image on a Digital Ocean droplet. Updating should be simple, I thought. I would take down the blog then spin it back up again after pulling down the latest Docker image. I ran docker stop ghost-blog
, removed the container with docker rm ghost-blog
then ran docker pull ghost:latest
. The container came down without a problem.
23 Sep 2017
Emacs Tips and Tricks
To Learn About
- ☒ Company-mode (completion framework for lots of stuff)
- ☒ YASnippets (templates)
- ☒ Auto-YASnippets (something like that—I installed it for temporary
- ☒ Alchemist mode (integrates with company mode—tooling for Elixir)
- ☐ What do
and M-,
- ☐
would let me add new keywords to a
- ☐ hi-lock
- ☐ highlight-phrase, unhighlight-regex
- ☒ Registers
- ☐ Auto-loading packages to make startup time shorter
Things that make me happy
- Undo in region (just highlight something and hit undo)
- Generate Backus-Nauer Forms with a slightly modified syntax with
You can filter buffers by pattern with Helm. Type: @pattern
to find
buffers matching pattern
. If you want to have spaces in the pattern,
you must escape them with a backslash.