
Christmas 2021

25 Dec 2021

It’s my first Christmas being a dad. The end of the school semester was unusually stressful; I didn’t have much time or energy to anticipate Christmas. But I’ve felt a marked lack of eagerness for getting presents. That feeling wanes each year—something I’m grateful for—but this year I only felt an eagerness for a time of peace and celebration with my family. Peaceful it has been. My family isn’t perfect. (My baby daughter is about as perfect as they come, though! ...

This Too Shall Pass

13 Jun 2021

It’s cliché at this point to say that 2020 was a rough year. I’m grateful in that I and my wife were relatively unscathed by the pandemic. I had some personal health issues however that by themselves made 2020 a bit of a struggle. I learned some important lessons.


Easter 2021

21 Mar 2021

I love Easter. In my mind it is just as important as Christmas. Indeed, if Christ had not died for our sins and been resurrected, then there would be no reason to celebrate His birth.

I recorded a short, simple vocal arrangement of “O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown” by J. S. Bach with my wife.


The Best Two Years

20 Nov 2018

September 30th marked two years since I arrived home from serving a two-year mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The mission is colloquially referred to as “the best two years”. (There is a movie about missionaries, which I have not seen, by this title.) My time on the mission did constitute the best two years of my life. I grew and learned so much in that time. ...


19 Feb 2018

I came across a quote posted by a friend of mine that read: The difference between spiritualism and religion is that spiritualism is pro-light, while religion is anti-sin. Or something to that effect. This quote bothered me because I felt that it maligned religion. I asked this friend for some clarification; it seemed clear from their response that they had had a rather negative experience with religion. They explained that they felt that religion (in general) micro-manages the lives of its adherents and focuses on telling people what they can’t do. ...
