
A Quick Guide to LaTeX

6 Feb 2025

LaTeX is a powerful typesetting system hamstrung by a few decades-old decisions and some… ahem… questionable design decisions. Nevertheless, its ability to typeset technical documents remains unmatched, and it enjoys wide support across STEM fields. Learning LaTeX is a worthy use of your time, if you intend to pursue a career in science.

This is meant as a short and simple how-to guide for learning LaTeX. It is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather serve as a guide of where to look to get the information you need to know. It is organized as a problem → solution mapping.


What I Like in a Font for Code

5 Dec 2022

I’m well aware that I may have a bit of an obsession with fonts. I don’t think that’s too unusual for someone who works in tech, however. Sites like Programming Fonts exist to let people test drive and compare a bunch of different fonts. Just for fun, I thought I’d write up some of the features I look for in a programming font that I’ve come to deliberately pick out.

