Technical Blog

A Quick Guide to LaTeX

6 Feb 2025

LaTeX is a powerful typesetting system hamstrung by a few decades-old decisions and some… ahem… questionable design decisions. Nevertheless, its ability to typeset technical documents remains unmatched, and it enjoys wide support across STEM fields. Learning LaTeX is a worthy use of your time, if you intend to pursue a career in science.

This is meant as a short and simple how-to guide for learning LaTeX. It is not meant to be comprehensive, but rather serve as a guide of where to look to get the information you need to know. It is organized as a problem → solution mapping.


What's New in Emacs: Last Decade Edition

14 Dec 2024

Emacs has come a long way in the past decade. This is meant as a guide to anyone who’s been using stock or near-stock Emacs for some years and wants a quick update on the new shiny stuff that comes bundled with Emacs.


Should Programming Languages be Safe or Powerful?

21 Nov 2024

Should a programming language be powerful and let a programmer do a lot, or should it be safe and protect the programmer from bad mistakes? Contrary to what the title insinuates, these are not diametrically opposed attributes. Nevertheless, this is the mindset that underlies notions such as, “macros, manual memory management, etc. are power tools—they’re not supposed to be safe.” If safety and power are not necessarily opposed, why does this notion persist?


How to Make Racket Go (Almost) As Fast As C

15 Oct 2024

I recently wrote about using first-class functions to help make a BF interpreter. This is a follow-up post to describe a nifty solution to a tricky problem that made my program go 2–5× faster and put it about on-par with an interpreter written in pure C.

A basic interpreter works by walking down the AST and evaluating nodes recursively: when the interpreter encounters an expression, it dispatches on the type of expression to decide how to perform the evaluation. Here’s the key insight to get a massive speed bump with very little effort: that dispatch is expensive and can be performed ahead-of-time. We can walk through the code once and precompute all the dispatching work.


Why You Should Resist Surveillance

26 Sep 2024

I got to visit the Stasi museum in Berlin this week, and it gave me a newfound appreciation for why it’s important to resist surveillance. Interestingly, surveillance is not exclusively limited to one kind of government: it can appeal to both left- and right-wing governments, and corporations in the digital age use surveillance to make money. In every form, surveillance is evil and must be resisted.


First-Class Helper Functions

11 Sep 2024

We’re going to be writing a BF compiler for a class I’m in. Last night I threw together a little interpreter for the program in about an hour; it doesn’t do input—that should be easy to add—but it’s enough to handle some benchmarks for the language, albeit slowly. You can see my repository on Codeberg for the source code.

I needed one function to do two closely related jobs—the logic was identical, but some parameters needed to change. Fortunately, first-class functions in your language make it trivial to parameterize your programs in elegant ways.


Fancy lightweight prompts for Eshell and Zsh

19 Aug 2024

I started using the Zsh a few years ago and I’ve liked its completion features. I tried out Oh-my-zsh for a while and I liked the stock Robby Russel prompt. It gave me all the information I cared about: the status of the last command, current directory, and the state of the current Git repository.

However, I didn’t like how slow Oh-my-zsh was making my shell startup. This mattered especially, I think, because my Emacs config would fire up a shell on startup to read the ENV so it could configure some language servers properly. Irked at how long stuff was taking, I set out to build my own.


How, Where, and Why I Take Notes

29 Jul 2024

I take a blend of digital and hand-written notes. It’s a bit of a hodgepodge, but it’s working. I used to lean heavily into full-digital notes, but I started drifting towards a mixture of digital and hand-written notes. Initially it was complicated, but I think I’m converging on a good setup. What I describe here will continue to evolve I am sure, but I am enjoying where it’s currently at.

