Technical Blog

Control-Flow Analysis

27 Jul 2021

Control-Flow Analysis is a popular technique for performing static analysis of many different kinds of programming languages. It’s most often needed in cases where you have some kind of dynamic dispatch: either where you have first-class functions or when you have objects and you call one of their methods.


This Too Shall Pass

13 Jun 2021

It’s cliché at this point to say that 2020 was a rough year. I’m grateful in that I and my wife were relatively unscathed by the pandemic. I had some personal health issues however that by themselves made 2020 a bit of a struggle. I learned some important lessons.


Easter 2021

21 Mar 2021

I love Easter. In my mind it is just as important as Christmas. Indeed, if Christ had not died for our sins and been resurrected, then there would be no reason to celebrate His birth.

I recorded a short, simple vocal arrangement of “O Savior, Thou Who Wearest a Crown” by J. S. Bach with my wife.


Using a Raspberry Pi for Proctorio

30 Jan 2021

For one of my classes I am required to take a short weekly exam via Proctorio. There’s been some controversy surrounding this software. Although it claims it’s trustworthy, it’s not open-source, so no one can verify their claims. So naturally, I was reluctant to install it on my primary machine. Enter: the spare raspberry pi I have sitting around.


FreeBSD on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB of RAM

28 Dec 2020

This is the story of how I managed to get FreeBSD running on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB of RAM, though I think the setup story is pretty similar for those with 2GB and 8GB.1

I also managed to get Rust built from source, (kind of) which is nice because the default Rust installer doesn’t seem to work for FreeBSD running on a Raspberry Pi.


Dr. Loopback, Or: How I Learned to Stop DOSing Myself and Love the Pi-Hole

11 Dec 2020

I noticed that my Internet was acting strangely: whenever I visited a web page, my browser would hang for a good second or two before it started loading anything. Zoom calls worked without a problem for school, so this tipped me off that something was wrong with the DNS lookup or the handshake.

Sure enough, I popped open my Pi-Hole admin console, and was greeted with this:

Pi-Hole Admin Console


RMS Does Not See the Future of Emacs

27 Nov 2020

I am an avid Emacs user. I’m using it right now to compose this post. I use it every single day for everything from work to school to personal notes. Most of my activity on GitHub comes from me tweaking little things in my configuration files. I now have an editor that perfectly fits my hands. Emacs is a big part of my life.

I’m afraid it’s dying.


The Social Dilemma

27 Oct 2020

I just finished watching The Social Dilemma, and here’s my hot take: The Social Dilemma is an emotive, accessible introduction to problems that, without exaggeration, pose an existential threat to life as we know it. If you can, watch it.


The 11th

11 Sep 2020

Today is September 11th. I remember waking up 19 years ago, coming into the living room, and my dad getting down on one knee so he was closer to my level. He told me that earlier that morning two airplanes had crashed into some tall buildings in New York City. I didn’t know what that meant at the time, but I soon found out.

